• The Parable of the Soils

    “The Parable of the Soils” Luke 8:1-15 Pastor Casey Getz I. The Hardened Heart II. The Shallow Heart III. The Preoccupied Heart IV. The Fruitful

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  • Lessons From a Sinner

    Luke 7:36-43 “Lessons From a Sinner” I. The ___(Actions)___ of the Woman (7:36-38) (___[Changed]___ by Jesus) II. The ___(Attitude)___ of the Pharisee (7:39-40) (___[Put off]___ by

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  • A Lesson in Contrasts

    Luke 7:28-35 Pastor Gary Zacharias I. The Priority of John (7:28) II. The Purpose of God (29-30) III. The People of this world (7:31-35

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  • When in Doubt

    Luke 7:18-27

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  • Best. Funeral. Ever

    Lets take a look at an amazing account of Jesus’ miraculous work. . .at a funeral! By Pastor Casey Getz Luke 7:11-17 I. Jesus (finds) 7:11-12 II.

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  • A Lesson in Coming to Jesus

    Luke 7:1-10 by Pastor Gary Zacharias Lets learn some key qualities from a Roman Centurion I. The Centurion’s Servant Leadership (7:1-5) II. The Centurion’s Humility

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  • Productive and Protected

    Luke 6:43-49 Pastor Gary Zacharias In today’s passage, Jesus deals with two issues that summarize faithful discipleship. Let’s look at them: I. The ___Fruit___ of a

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  • Loving the sinner, hating your own sin

    By Pastor Gary Zacharias: How should we handle sin in ourselves and others? Our passage gives us some Key advice regarding this in a couple

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  • Lessons on Love

    “Lessons on Love” -Pastor Gary Zacharias Luke 6:27-36 I. The______________ is to be_______________ (6:27-31) II. The _____________ is, They are _______________(6:32-34) III. The ______________will be _________________(6:35-36)

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  • Wrong Measurements

    Pastor Gary Zacharias: Luke 6:20-26 Don’t gauge your success in this life, nor your future in eternity by the following four area: 1. Your Wealth 2.

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