What a privilege to serve the Lord!
It’s an amazing experience to be able to partner with God by being empowered by Him to do the things He wants. Making a difference in this world is really fulfilling and motivating. If you need some ideas on where to serve, check out the links below. We could especially use help with these Current Needs, but it is really important to serve in ways that God has uniquely gifted you. If you’re not sure what those might be, a great place to start is SpiritualGiftsTest.com. There’s always a lot to do in God’s family!
For current helpers, please visit our Volunteer Calendar page to see current roles.
- Current Needs
- Fixing/ Cleaning
- Creative Arts
- Hosting
- Kids/ Youth
- Meals Ministry
- Serving the Needy
- Prayer
- Visiting/ Calling
- Welcome Team
Current Needs
We have several ideas of volunteer ministries which would be especially helpful at this time:
- Meals Ministry to help those dealing with loss so they can cope with one less stress
- Ministry to the Needy, helping serve at the Berlin food pantry to help those who've been hurt by the economic impact this year
- Prayer Ministry, for all those hurting who need comfort, or perhaps have celebrations in this time! We raise our voices to God always
- Visiting Ministry—this one is especially important, but also we need to be mindful of showing compassion with safety
- Consider video or regular calling those who've been especially isolated or dealing with struggle
- Send cards to nursing home residents, who are especially struggling without getting to see family near as much this year, if at all. The Markesan Police department is calling for a card shower so we can show support and love in this difficult time!
Please contact the church office if you have any questions or want to get involved.
Church Maintenance / Cleaning
Our church building is a tool that we use to help people love and follow the Lord. And all tools need maintenance from time to time! There are always opportunities to help us maintain or improve a welcoming atmosphere at our church.
Regular Volunteer Needs:
- Church lawn care
- Church maintenance
- Church cleaning
To volunteer to help, please contact the church office
Creative Arts
“True worshipers… worship the Father in spirit and truth… —they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks” -Jesus (Jn. 4:23).
God is looking for true worshipers—those who will recognize Him for who He actually is and worship Him with a passionate and sincere heart. True worship is a lifestyle. Romans 12:1-2 says, “I urge you,… in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.” Some may be surprised to learn that God is much more concerned about how we live than how many religious
rituals we do. He isn’t the least bit pleased if we just “go through the motions”— He desires our hearts.
May Matthew 15:8-9 not describe us: “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain.” Our creative arts must flow sincerely out of our individual relationship with the Lord and a true love for Him. In view of His awesome mercy, how can we offer Him anything less?
Our Seven Passions
- To be true worshipers ourselves (Jn.4:23, Rom. 12:1-2)
- To help others truly worship God (Ps. 95)
- To saturate our artistic communication with God’s Word (Col. 3:16)
- To be artistically excellent, creative, and diverse (Ps. 33:3, 96:1)
- To be sensitive to each others’ artistic preferences (Phil. 2:1-5)
- To be sensitive to the artistic preferences of those we’re trying to reach out to (1. Cor. 9:20-23)
- To be unified among ourselves and with the rest of the church (Eph. 4:3, Rom. 15:5)
Regular Volunteer Needs:
- Tech team (Running the sound board or computer on Sunday mornings, creating powerpoint presentations, etc)
- Worship music team
To help, please contact the church office.
Hosting Missionaries
We want to “share with God’s people who are in need [and] practice hospitality” (Romans 12:13) in order to bring glory to God and help bring others to a fully devoted relationship with Jesus.
From time to time we have missionaries speak in church who need housing and meals for a night or two. Rarely we have a missionary come for a few weeks and need a place to stay. What a privilege to be able to help and encourage these hard-working servants!
Regular Volunteer Needs:
- Become part of the team to host missionaries for a night (and provide some meals)
- Become part of the team to host missionaries for longer periods of time
To help, please contact the church office.
Kids/ Youth Ministry
Little people matter to God and they matter to us too!
Our passion is to help lead young people into a saving and fully devoted relationship with Jesus Christ. We use age-appropriate curriculum that allows kids to both have fun and learn God’s life-changing truth.
Regular Volunteer Needs
(Interview and background checks required)
- Nursery workers
- Sunday school teachers
- Wednesday night kids club volunteers
- Vacation Bible school helpers
- Youth group helpers
To help, please contact the church office.
Meals Ministry
We want to “do good to all people, especially… to the family of believers” (Gal. 6:10), in order to bring glory to God and help bring others to a fully devoted relationship with Jesus.
We try to provide meals for those who have recently had a new baby, been sick, or experienced some sort of crisis. What a blessing it is to receive meals from a loving church family when in need!
Regular Volunteer Needs:
- Become part of the meals team
- Help serve at funeral luncheons at Terrace Shores
To help, please contact the church office.
Ministries to the Needy
“You know how full of love and kindness our Lord Jesus Christ was. Though he was very rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich.” -2 Corinthians 8:9
We want to follow in Jesus’ footsteps to help those who are needy. On the first Sunday of every month we take a special “benevolence” collection for the needy families in our communities (and the elders distribute this money as they see fit). Also, from time to time people have great needs for some sort of service. These needs can be almost anything—tornado cleanup, home repair projects, and many more!
Regular Volunteer Needs:
- Giving money to the needy in our community through our “Benevolence” fund
- Helping serve needy families in specific ways
- Serving at the Berlin Food Pantry on Thursdays
To help, please contact the church office.
Prayer Ministry
“The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with.” James 5:16
God invites us to make a difference far beyond our ability by praying. He stands ready to respond to the prayers of His children when they pray with good motives and righteous lives. Our prayer chain sends out occasional emails of critical needs for us to pray about.
Regular Volunteer Needs:
- Sign up for our email prayer chain by contacting our church office
Visiting Ministry
“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” -Jesus, Matt. 25:40
Those who are shut-in by sickness, imprisonment, or age appreciate the gift of time above almost any other gift. Whether shut in at home, a hospital, a jail, or a nursing home, a personal visit from a caring friend can mean the world to them.
Regular Volunteer Needs:
- Becoming part of a team who regularly visits those who need it
To help, please contact the church office.
Welcome Team
Did you know that visitors determine the friendliness of the church within the first 10 minutes after the service ends? Did you know that, on average, people will drop out of a church if they only make 2 friends there? And that they tend to stay if they make 7 friends? If we don’t reach out to our Sunday morning visitors to try to really get to know them, they won’t come back. And they may give up seeking God as well.
We want to follow in Jesus’ self-sacrificing footsteps and lay aside our own friendship needs for the sake of others’ friendship needs. We want to intentionally pursue the disconnected and introduce them to our friends. And we want to become a church that goes beyond Sunday-morning relationships to where it is common to invite others to Sunday lunch, weekday coffee, or into our small group. In other words, we want to help provide a warm and inviting atmosphere so that others will be drawn to a fully-devoted relationship with Jesus Christ.
Some practical ideas:
- Pray – Pray for the lost to be saved and for God to use our church in that process. Pray for direction as to who to reach out to each Sunday.
- Reach out to the unknown – Make an effort to find at least one person at church you don’t know each week and talk with them. Be sincere and be willing to be honest about yourself as well.
- ”Hi, my name is…” – That is a great way to break the ice. You could follow it up with “I’m sorry, have we met before?”
- Remember their name – Listen for their name and repeat it to yourself to help you remember it. Perhaps even write it down in a journal or on your bulletin.
- Ask them questions – People feel most comfortable talking about themselves. Take a genuine interest in them and their needs. None of us enjoy feeling like someone’s project – we want to be genuinely valued.
- Follow up with them – If you truly care about them, you will want to follow up with them. You may want to ask them to lunch that Sunday. Make sure to look them up the next Sunday (by name) and see how their week went. You may want to call them or invite them to your small group or a different event.
Regular Volunteer Needs:
- Intentionally reaching out to new people on Sunday mornings
To volunteer on one of these teams, please contact the church office