• What’s Coming …

    Matthew 24:1-14 I. What Is Coming For Israel (Matthew 24:1-3) – II. What Is Coming For The World (Matthew 24:4-8) III. What Is Coming For

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  • A Hard Message to Delivery

    1 Samuel 3:11-21 1. The Message (vs 11-14) 2. The Misery (vs 15-18) 3. The Man (vs 19-21)  

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  • Can You Hear Me Now?

    I Samuel 3:1-10 I. The Conditions When God Spoke (3:1-3) II. The Confusion When God Spoke (3:4-8) III. The Concert When God Spoke (3:9-10)  

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  • Who Are You Accountable To?

    1 Samuel 2:12-26 1. Abuse in Authority. (vs 12-17) 2. Advancing in Authority. (vs 18-21) 3. Accountability in Authority. (vs 22-26)  

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  • I Samuel 2:1-11 I. Hannah Delights in Who God Is (2:1-3) II. Hannah Describes What God Does (2:4-8a) III. Hannah Declares What God Will Do

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  • Keeping Our Commitments to God

    I Sam. 1:12-28 I. She Kept Her Vow Because She was Sincere in Her Prayer (1:12-18) II. She Kept Her Vow Because God Answered Her

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  • A Pure Offering in the Midst of Trials

    1 Samuel 1:1-11 The Family. (1-2) The Situation. (3-7) The Vow. (8-11)  

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  • When A Plan Comes Together

    Ruth 4:13-22 I. Ruth and Boaz were Blessed (4:13) II. Naomi was Blessed (4:14-17a) III. The Nation of Israel was Blessed (4:17b-22) IV. The Whole

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  • Sealing the Deal

    Ruth 4:1-12 I. The Responsibility for Redemption Reviewed; Love is Active (4:1-4) II. The Responsibility for Redemption Relinquished; Love is Accessible (4:5-8) III. The Responsibility

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  • Strangers In The Night

    Ruth 3:10-18 1. The Reply (vs 10-13) 2. The Gift (vs 14-15) 3. The Report (vs 16-18)  

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