Preparing the Preparer
Luke 1 I. The Preparer Before He Was Conceived – The Witness of An Angel
The Song of Mary
Luke 1:46-55 1. Magnify the Lord for He has done Great Things. (46-49) 2. A
Celebrating the King
Luke 19:28-44 1. The King’s entrance. (28-36) 2. The King’s proclamation. (37-40) 3. The King’s
Who is That Knocking At The Door?
Luke 11:5-14 Pastor Gary Zacharias I. A Lesson Learned from Friends, the Persistence Necessary in
Lord, Teach us to Pray
Luke 11:1-4 “Lord, Teach us to Pray In this teaching on prayer, let’s note five
Don’t just do something, sit there!
Luke 10:38-42 I. A companion – is helpful and good (v32) II. A comparison – Serving
Won’t You Be Their Neighbor?
Luke 10:25-37 Pastor Casey Getz I. Love God and Love People (V25-29 II. Loving People Means
Reasons to Rejoice
Luke 10:17-24 Let’s look at two gifts of God that Jesus mentioned here that should give
Learning to Witness
Luke 10:1-16 “Learning to Witness” I. He Taught them About the Prospects for Their Ministry
Bird Nests, Burials, and Byes
Luke 9:57-62