Christmas Program

2020-12-13 08:00 2020-12-13 11:15 America/Chicago Christmas Program

In this service, we are looking forward to having a number of kids and adults lead us in celebrating the message of Christmas and worshiping the Lord. However, we are still under our COVID numerical limitations of seating, which means 50 in the sanctuary and 25 in the church basement (Wish we didn’t need to have these limitations, but we are trying to be responsible). Please feel welcome to worship with us online for that service, if you want to make room for family members who need to be present. Thanks so much for your understanding and help.

W3278 Co Rd K, Markesan, WI 53946, USA
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In this service, we are looking forward to having a number of kids and adults lead us in celebrating the message of Christmas and worshiping the Lord. However, we are still under our COVID numerical limitations of seating, which means 50 in the sanctuary and 25 in the church basement (Wish we didn’t need to have these limitations, but we are trying to be responsible). Please feel welcome to worship with us online for that service, if you want to make room for family members who need to be present. Thanks so much for your understanding and help.

The Schedule

8:00 am - 9:15 am Early Service (in person and livestream)
10:00 am - 11:15 am Late Service (in person)